We advocate for firefighter safety through the use of air management best practices, technology and advanced fireground research.

Our Mission Stands on Four Pillars


We follow the development of air technologies and advocate for their integration into firefighting best practices. These technologies include portable breathing air, air monitoring, fireground tools, PPE, and more.
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Air Management

The air on your back is what enables you to do your work and survive. And like every other resource on the fireground, that air needs to be deliberately planned, practiced and managed. 
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Fire Smoke & Cancer

Smoke is a killer. Understanding the enemy is crucial to reduce the chance of illness, disease and death.
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Fire Science & Research

Fire science studies the causes and effects of fire,  fire management, fire behavior, and firefighter health and safety. We will bring you the latest science and research related to firefighter health and safety.
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Firefighter Air:  The Fireground, Our Mission and You

Firefighter Air:  The Fireground, Our Mission and You - the FDIC 2024 supplement this year.  Please take moment to download your copy to explore new science and research, new breathing techniques and training opportunities for air management, tactical operations for high rise and much more.  Please share this information with your department.  
